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MAP524/DPS924 Lab 8

682 bytes added, 22:43, 2 August 2015
Created page with 'In this lab you'll implement a content provider and a content resolver. Do the same thing I've done in the lecture: * Implementing a content provider * Implementing a content re…'
In this lab you'll implement a content provider and a content resolver. Do the same thing I've done in the lecture:

* Implementing a content provider
* Implementing a content resolver

But make sure that your content provider can both:

* Query all the rows in your table
* Add a new row to the table

And your content resolver test program should use both those features (log the results of the query, and have a text field + button to send an "add new row" request.

Try not to overdo this lab. To do this "properly" as the Android documentation will suggest you'd need about 3 days. Just do the minimum to get it to function. It's little more than what I've done in the lecture.

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