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MAP524/DPS924 Lecture 6

1,065 bytes added, 16:02, 18 July 2015
Often the easiest way to create an empty database, insert test data, and test your app's usage of SQLite is the command-line tool sqlite3. On Linux it should be installed by default, on other platforms you can download and install it yourself.
<pre># Create the database
sqlite3 employee.db
-- Now you're inside the sqlite shell, not bash. Press Ctrl+D on an empty line to quit.
-- Create a table:
create table names (ids integer primary key, name text, pay integer);
-- Show your tables
-- Insert some data
insert into names (name,pay) values('john', 10000);
insert into names (name,pay) values('mary', 20000);
insert into names (name,pay) values('sam', 30000);
-- Display your data
select * from names;
-- Show your databases
-- Quit
== Test data ==
Eventually you'll write tests for your app with your test data, but during development a really handy website is []. You can get data in many formats including CSV which can be imported into sqlite like this:
* Get some data from
** filename is names.txt
* Open database
<pre>sqlite3 employee.db</pre>
* Set your deliminator
<pre>.separator ","</pre>
* Import your data
<pre>.import names.txt names</pre>
* Display your data
<pre>select * from names;</pre>
* Quit

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