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MAP524/DPS924 Lecture 2

874 bytes added, 17:05, 2 July 2015
<pre>android help</pre>
= emulator =
This command will let you run virtual machines you've created with the AVD Manager. For example:
<pre>$ android list avd
Available Android Virtual Devices:
Name: myavd
Path: /home/andrew/.android/avd/myavd.avd
Target: Android 2.3.3 (API level 10)
Tag/ABI: default/armeabi
Skin: WVGA800
Name: Nexus_5_API_21
Device: Nexus 5 (Google)
Path: /home/andrew/.android/avd/Nexus_5_API_21.avd
Target: Android 5.0.1 (API level 21)
Tag/ABI: default/x86
Skin: nexus_5
Sdcard: 100M
Snapshot: no
$ emulator -avd Nexus_5_API_21</PRE>
Remember these commands exist so you can do things (like testing) automatically. The emulator command has many options that you don't need to be concerned with. Now that you know this command exists and the type of options it has - you'll be able to find parameters you need when you need them.