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Lab 1 Warnings / Debrief

1,209 bytes added, 14:00, 26 June 2015
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* In Lab 1, we will be creating customized partitions (as opposed to suggested partitioning default from install program)
<u>Accessing the Administrative Account (root)</u>
Many administrative tasks require the root administrative account. There are many ways to access this administration account:<ul><li>Login: '''root''' (enter root password)</li><li>Switch User to root (without login):<ul><li>'''su''': Remains in regular user's directory, does not run root's startup script(s).</li><li>'''su -''' : Changes to root's home directory (/root) and runs root's start script(s).</li></ul></li></ul>
<u>Pathname for USB Stick</u>
The default mount location has been changed in linux distributions newer than CentOS. So while we will get '''/media/usb-device-name''', in newer distributions you'll see '''/run/media/userloginid/usb-device-name'''}
<u>Disabling SELinux</u>
SELinux stands for '''Security-Enhanced Linux'''. It is a component that helps to better secure the system to protect against intrusion (hackers). SELinux is enabled upon the default install of CentOS. SELinux can be a good thing, if you take care of it and know how it works. For this course it is strongly recommended that you '''disable SELinux by default''' because we won't have the time to reconfigure it every time the labs make it necessary

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