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OPS235 Lab 7 - CentOS7

110 bytes added, 08:13, 5 May 2015
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# Type <code>help</code> to see the list of sftp commands at any time.
# The 2 main commands are <code>put</code> to copy a file from the local host to the remote host (upload) and <code>get</code> to copy a file from the remote host to the local host (download).
# Try using <code>sftp</code> to transfer files back and forth between hosts.# As you did previously you can also use the <code>scp</code> command to copy files to and from remote hosts and even from one remote host to another.# Use <code>scp</code> to copy your services file to the centos3 host into the /tmp directory. (The path on a remote host follows the ''':''') using the command: <br /><code>scp /etc/services ops235@centos3:/tmp</code># Experiment with <code>scp</code> to copy a file from centos3 directly to centos1.{{Admon/tip| SELinux | SELinux may prevent ssh from accessing your home directories on centos1 because you created a new filesystem there. You can reset the security context of the /home directory with this command: <code>restorecon -Rv /home</code>}}width="40%" align="right"
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|{{Admon/note |Secure Shell Utilties | There are 2 common command line tools for transferring files between hosts over an encrypted ssh connection, '''scp''' and '''sftp'''.<br /> ''sftp'' is an interactive file transfer program that functions much like an ftp client. }}
<li value="7">As you did previously you can also use the <code>scp</code> command to copy files to and from remote hosts and even from one remote host to another.</li>
<li>Use <code>scp</code> to copy your services file to the centos3 host into the /tmp directory. (The path on a remote host follows the ''':''') using the command: <br /><code>scp /etc/services ops235@centos3:/tmp</code></li>
<li>Experiment with <code>scp</code> to copy a file from centos3 directly to centos1.</li>
'''Answer Part 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''