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Working with Android Studio

3,488 bytes added, 15:41, 18 April 2015
Week 13 (April 11 - 18)
#To look up a command press Ctrl + Shift + A (2014) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/1/2015: Command search)
#CONTROL CLICK on a keyword to see its source (click Class name to see the Class file) (Albert Kim 3/7/2015)
== Week 9 (March 8 - 14)==
#To look up a method use the following shortcut, Ctrl + Alt + l (2014) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/13/2015: Method search)
== Week 10 (March 15 - 21)==
#If you are creating your application around material design and want to ensure that you applications follows all criteria (Paddings, Margins, Etc..), you can validate it using the DSPEC Library [] (Krishanthan Lingeswaran 3/16/2015)
#Workaround for Android Studio was unable to find valid JVM on Mac OS X [] (Andrew Li 3/17/2015)
#How to add a pie chart to your project in android studio [] (Joshua Byer 3/19/2015)
#The Ctrl + D key binding is great for quickly duplicating code lines or fragments. Simply select the desired line or fragment and enter this key binding. (Norbert Curiciac 3/19/2015)
#cmd+shift+e - Same as the above but listing only files that have been edited. (Tai Nguyen 3/19/2015)
#To show line numbers on XML files in android studio, click the grey bar at the top right of the screen (2013) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/21/2015: XML line number view)
== Week 11 (March 22 - 28)==
#To see the call hierarchy for a method enter the shortcut CTRL + ALT + H (2014) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/22/2015: See call hierarchy)
#If Intel HAXM does not install on your computer it is because you are not using a Intel processor (Joshua Byer 3/28/2015)
== Week 12 (March 29 - April 4)==
#The short cut CTRL + F, to search, utilizes camel case searching (2014) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/29/2015: A person can search a lower case letter and an upper case one to find matches that have those, e.g. "oC" will give result "onCreate")
#Use the Android Device Manager on Android studio to help debug files within you application. Especially if you are heavily dependant on the Emulator. Lets say you want to find your DB file from the emulator you can use this to navigate to /data/data/APP_NAME and locate files here. If you are saving files onto the device, you can use this utility as well. You can also pull the files from the emulator. Utility also works with Physical devices, but needs to be rooted to be able to grab files and what not. -Krishanthan Lingeswaran
== Week 13 (April 11 - 18)==
#Right click a selection and choose compare with clipboard to compare code via a diff (2014) [] (Elsi Nushaj 4/11/2015: A person can easily compare two sections of code together)
#A Curated List of IDE Plugins for Android Development (2015) [] (Albert Kim 4/17/2015: A list of IDE plugins for Android)
#Android Location API using Google Play Services (2015) [] (Tai Nguyen 4/17/2015: Working with google maps)