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Video Assignment

Company Name: Techronize

“Style. Tech. Synced Up.”

Jonathan Hazen Clinton Elvie Stephan Blazanovic Luka Dozen


Clinton sitting in chair facing camera in boring monotone voice: Hi guys today we’re guna talk about Windows vs Linux it’s really interesting and stuff.

Johnny Steps in from right side of screen: Has this ever happened to you? You sit down to watch an interesting tech video and you get this guy? Well not here, this is Techronize! (Clinton in background puts his hands up in confusion)

Queue company logo, graphics, music.

Johnny and Stephan on screen.

Johnny: Hi I’m Johnny,

Stephan: And I’m Stephan

Johnny: And this is Techronize. Today we’ll be looking at an age old battle of epic proportions that starts with a deep philosophical question: “Windows or Linux, which is better?” (pp Windows vs Linux Picture)

Stephan: To help us get to the bottom of this let’s check in with Luka and Clinton.

History & Architecture

Clinton: Windows

Luka: Linux

Clinton: Bro…Windows

Luka: Naw bro…Linux

Clinton: Let me tell you a little about Windows okay. Windows was created by Microsoft based on their MS-DOS language. Windows 1.0 was first released in 1985, long before Linux, and it was built for simple use with drop-down menus, scroll bars, icons, & dialog boxes. Windows original focus was ease of use, by bridging the gap between computer hardware, and user programs. From day one Windows was backed by a corporation with structured design and production plans for the best possible product for users. Since then Microsoft has released 10 newer versions (pp slide of OS icons & names) of Windows, with its latest version Windows 8 released in 2012.

Luka: Ok well let me tell you a little about Linux, which is based on Unix, which was created long before Windows. Linux was first released in 1991 by a Finnish student named Linus Torvalds who created his own working Unix kernel variation that could be combined with existing Unix GNU shells. He called it Linux. Since then there has have been many Linux distributions developed in the open source community (pp unix distro picture). See Linux from day one has been all about free software, Power to the Programmer and community collaboration, not corporate domination.

Clinton: That just great man I’m thrilled. Okay well let’s talk specs here then. Windows has always been a leader in comparability, if we’re talking productivity, gaming or internet browsing applications, almost everything is compatible with Windows. This is only topped by Windows Plug and Play features for hardware, where you can plug in a multitude of devices and have them ready to use right away. Unlike Linux, Windows GUI has always been easy to use for everyone, and the current Windows 8 is built for easy use on a touch screen or with a mouse on your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Most of all, Windows is a powerful OS with a large amount of support and updates from Microsoft.

Luka (sleeping): Oh sorry did you say something? Yeah right well Linux trumps Windows is far more ways. First of all Linux is free, it’s built in the open source community so the initial OS and updates are free to users, not like Windows which can be $100 - $200 per installation, plus additional costs for upgrading and licensing fees. Linux is also much more stable and secure. Linux has a miniscule amount of viruses in comparison to Windows. Linux is a community, monitored by users from all around the world, so any issue that arises can patched very quickly. Linux is portable to any hardware platform. If a manufacturer wants to test what kind of software will work with their new type of computer they can do so with the Linux kernel because it’s available for free. Most of all, Linux is variety. There are a multitude of Linux distributions with different customizations for any user’s preferences, whereas with Windows, what Microsoft gives is what you get.

Applications Today

Stephan: Oh Boy this sounds like a lively debate. So let’s look at what the typical market share is for each of these operating systems and ask why. (pp statistics slides with voiceover)

PP desktop market share

So if we’re talkin desktops here it’s clear that Windows is and has been the most popular for a long time.

PP mobile market share

But when it comes to smartphones and tablets, everything is running a Linux based system commonly known as Android.

PP server market share

Now what about the server side of things? (pp top500) If we take a look at the top 500 supercomputers in the world, the majority are using Linux based operating systems with no signs of stopping. Even the largest supercomputer in the world, the Tiahne-2 in China is operating off of a distro called Kylin Linux. We can also consider web servers (pp w3tech1). Unix based systems have a 67.8 % market share in comparison to Windows 32.2 %. And of thos Unix systems 52.8 % of those are Linux (pp w3tech2).

Future Prospects

Johnny: So what’s in store for the future of these two Champion operating systems?

Well because Linux is such a variable operating system, the question to ask here might be what is the future for Linux’s top distributions? When it comes to mobile operating systems, Android is leading the way these days. It’s in smartphones, tablets, smart watches, and soon Android will be coming out with the Android TV, which will feature the Google Play Store, voice recognition, and remote control from your Android smartphone or smart watch. So even if home user’s don’t realize their using Linux based systems, they’re still there. And on the server side of things the sky is the limit because Linux is still open source. Even if a lot of administrator’s nowadays are saying Linux has gotten too fat with too many distros and constant forking, no one can deny the performance and reliability are still there.

Stephan: And then there’s Windows, which seems to be geared up for a hostile takeover. Windows 10 is set to release this summer as a free update for windows 7 and 8.1 users according to Microsoft. Windows 10 aims to be a single platform and app store for phones, tablets and desktops. New features of Windows 10 will be a new Start menu, the new search assistant Cortana (similar to Apple's Siri), it will connect to the Xbox live network, & an all new built in browser called Project Spartan. Also Windows Holo Lens is a holographic VR lens meant to accompany Windows 10. It’s aimed at being a tool for accelerated graphic design in business, and an immersive personal home user experience. So what will this mean if Windows makes a rise in mobile market? We’ll let you decide.

Johnny: So whether you’re a Linux fan or a Windows fan there’s clearly pros and cons to each OS. This is about more than just system performance, it’s about open source vs. proprietary. While the business IT world prefers the open source options of Linux, the average home user loves a shiny, easy to use, multimedia Windows. But whatever your preference it’s clear this battle is going to keep going on for a long time ( Luka and Clinton still arguing in the background).

Queue Outro Logo & Music


Applications Today – Submitted by Luka

1. http://www.pcworld.com/article/204423/why_linux_beats_windows_for_servers.html

2. http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/tip/Choosing-the-best-server-OS-Linux-vs-Windows-comparisons

3. http://www.freeos.com/articles/4737

4. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2009/may/28/netbooks-sales

5. http://www.freertos.org/

History of windows – Submitted by Clinton





History of Linux – Submitted by Clinton




Future of Windows – Submitted by CLinton




Future of Linux – Submitted by Clinton








Linux How it works – Submitted Johnny




http://linuxcommand.org/lts0010.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_%28Unix_shell%29



Windows How it works – Submitted by Stephan

