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OPS235 Lab 3 - CentOS7

22 bytes removed, 14:21, 3 April 2015
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#You can use the '''passwd''' command to reset your regular user password (eg. passwd yourusername).
#To restart in graphical mode, simply enter the command '''reboot'''.
:Unfortunately, this method does not work if you forgot your root password (see procedure below).
'''Steps to Reset Root's Password":'''
[[Image:grub3.png|thumb|right|400px|Add word '''single''' at the end of boot options, '''ENTER''' and press '''b''' to boot ]]
[[Image:grub4.png|thumb|right|400px|System boots into text-based mode in root (without prompting for root password!) ]]
#The procedure to reset root's password is different than shown above. Press '''e''' at the Grub boot menu.

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