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Winter 2015 SPO600 Project

28 bytes added, 13:28, 6 March 2015
Phase 1: Identifying a Possible Optimization in the LAMP Stack
* '''P'''HP, '''P'''erl, or '''P'''ython (or a similar server-side web scripting language)
{{Admon/tip|Additional opportunities:|These two pieces of software are not part of the LAMP stack but could may also be significantly optimizedundertaken as optimization projects:* [[SPO600 - Createrepo Optimization|Createrepo]]* and [[SPO600 - RPM Optimization|RPM]]}}
In this first phase, you will find a possible place for optimization and performance improvement in the LAMP stack on Aarch64 systems. This improvement must not cause incorrect behaviour on any platform, and must not reduce performance on other platforms (particularly, on x86_64) Ideally, it should improve performance on multiple (or all) platforms. Note that the ''improvement'' may be a reduction in execution time, memory consumption, both, or through improved utilization of some other resource.

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