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= Machine names, IPs, and Status =
Please update this information as you work on the machines' configuration.<table br />'''Click on a machine name to go to the page for that system. Please record details on that page about how the system is being used. A sample machine pages is located at [[CDOT_Development_Systems/ExampleSystem]]''' {|border="1">width="100%" class="mediawiki sortable"<tr>|-<th>!Hostname!Type!Location!IP!OS!Notes!Monitor(s)!Disk!RAM!Video!Motherboard!CPU |-|[[CDOT Development Systems/iraq|iraq]]|PC - Quad i7|T1045C||F16||Dual LCD|2x2TB|12G|Nvidia - dual monitors||930 (Quad i7 2.8GHz) |-|[[CDOT Development Systems/romania|romania]]|PC - Quad i7|T1045C||F16||Dual LCD|2x2TB|12G|Nvidia - dual monitors||930 (Quad i7 2.8GHz) |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/germany|germany]]|PC - Quad Core, 8GB, 1TB|T1045D||Fedora 10 32-bit||DELL 4001|1TB|8GB - 4 banks|Intel|Intel DQ45CB|Intel Q6600 |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/india|india]]|PC - Quad Core, 8GB, 1TB|T1045B||F12<br /th>||Viewsonic VA2226w (VSC 2051)|1TB|8GB - 4 banks|Intel|Intel DQ45CB|Intel Q6600 |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/canada|canada]]|20" iMac|1045A||OS X 10.5.6||Built-in||||| |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/russia|russia]]|20" iMac|T1045||OS X 10.5.6||Built-in||||| |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/easterisland|easterisland]]|Mac mini|T1045H - cubicle E||Mozilla build environment installed:<thbr />TypeXcode, MacPorts, Mercurial, Autoconf, libidl|Currently awaiting re-installation|Samsung Syncmaster 245B|Internal + FW|||| |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/spain|spain]]|Mac mini|T1045E - cubicle A||Mozilla build environment installed:<br /th>Xcode, MacPorts, Mercurial, Autoconf, libidl||Samsung Syncmaster 245B|Internal + FW|||| |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/china|china]]|PC - 8 cores, 12 Gb, 4 TB|T1045E - cubicle B||Windows 7||2 x SyncMaster 2443|2 x 2 TB generic Hard drives|12GB - 4 banks|nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti|Intel DX58SO2|Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07GHz (8 CPUs) |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/liberia|liberia]]|PC -Quad Core, 8 GB, 1TB|T1045E - cubicle C||Windows 7||SyncMaster 2443 - Dual Monitors|1TB|8GB|nVidia GeForce 8600 GT|Intel DQ35JO|Intel Core2 Quard CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.30GHz |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/newzealand|newzealand]]|PC - Quad core, 8 GB, 4TB|T1045C||F16||Samsung 1080P x 2|2X2TB|8GB - 4 banks|nVidia GeForce 8600 GT (?)|?|Intel Q6600 |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/peru|peru]]|27" iMac|||Mac OS/X||||||| |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/poland|poland]]|27" iMac|||Mac OS/X|||<th>Location<|||| |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/hongkong|hongkong]]|PC - Quad Core|Armory||F15|Function: Koji hub/webServices: apache (httpd)|KVM|Layout: 4x2TB DisksConfig: raid 1 (primary partitions) Config: raid 5 (data partitions)|12GB|ATI|Intel|i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/ireland|ireland]]|PC - Quad core|Armory||F15|Function: databaseServices: PostgreSQL|KVM|Layout: 500GB, 2x128GB (solid state), 2TB, 1.5TBConfig: raid 1 (data partitions)|8GB|NVIDIA|Intel|Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz |-|[[CDOT Development Systems/chile|chile]]|PC - Quad core|Armory||F15|Function: Koji repoServices: NFS export|KVM|Layout: 3x2TB, 3x600GB (solid state)Config: raid 0 (solid state partitions) Config: raid 1 (mechanical partitions)|12G|NVIDIA|Intel|i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz |-|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/th>australia|australia]]|PC - Quad Core|Armory||F15|Function: Koji ScratchServices: NFS exports|KVM|Layout: 1TB, 4x160GB (solid state)Config: raid 0 (solid state partitions)|8GB|Intel|Intel|Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz |-<th>IP<|[[CDOT_Development_Systems/th>bahamas|bahamas]]|PC - Quad Core|Tel 1045V||F16|Function: Developer PC, Virtualization Host, Web Server| 2x Samsung SyncMaster 2443|Layout: 2x2TB Raid 1|8GB|Nvidia GTX 470 1GB|Intel|Q6600|} '''Tip:''' These hostnames have all been added to the <thcode>Statuscdot.proximity.on.ca</thcode>domain for convenience. If you add that domain to your search domains in your DNS configuration, you can refer to the CDOT hosts by name. If you are using Linux or Mac OSX, you can add a search domain in your /etc/resolv.conf file by editing the ''search'' line:</tr> search whatever.was.already.here.com '''cdot.proximity.on.ca'''
Alternately, you can append the machine names and IPs to the '''hosts''' file (<code>/etc/hosts</code> on Linux and Mac OSX, <code>c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts</code> on Windows) -- do not delete the existing contents of that file, just add this text:
<tr><td>tba</td><td>Mac mini</td><td>T1045H !- cubicle E</td><td>-</td><td>needs XCode and libraries installed</td></tr>= CDOTnet =
= Equipment =
* Four PCs - quad-core, 8GB RAM, 1TB disk* Four PCs - quad-core, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk* One PC - quad-core, dual 22" displays on each8GB RAM, 6*1.5TB disk
* Two Mac Minis - dual-core, 2GB RAM, 120GB disk + external drive, 24" displays
* Two iMacs - dual-core, 4GB RAM, ???GB disk, 20" display
= Goals Configuration =* Get each of On the 64-bit PCs configured for triple-boot. :** Install in the following ordercurrent version of Fedora as the base OS** Use virtual machines (KVM) as necessary:*** Linux (Fedora or other)*** Windows Vista*** Windows XP SP2SP3** Some PCs will have Windows XP/Vistainstalled as the base OS (for high-performance video access, i.e., Canvas3D):** Fedora Core 8NewZealand* Install the toolchain (s) required to build mozilla on each platform (e.g., for Mozilla development - [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites Win]/[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Linux_Build_Prerequisites Linux]/[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mac_OS_X_Build_Prerequisites Mac])* Perform a test build on each platform
= PC Partitioning =
==500GB Drives==
'''Drives are ~500 GB:'''
* Partition 1: 150 GB NTFS containing XP SP2
* Partitions 5-9: 50 GB Linux LVM PVs (last one will be smaller)
'''Linux LVM PV LV layout:'''
* 50 GB / filesystem (ext3)
* 80 GB /home filesystem (ext3)
* 50 GB /var filesystem
==1TB Drives==
'''Drives are ~1000 GB:'''
* Partition 1: 200 MB ext3 /boot
* Partition 2: 200 MB ext3 /boot2
* Partition 3: 200GB LVM PV
* Partition 4: Extended partition
* Partitions 5-9: 200GB LVM PV (last one sized as needed)
'''Linux LVM LV layout:'''
* 50 GB / filesystem (ext3)
* 50 GB /home filesystem (ext3)
* 50 GB /var filesystem
* 8 GB swap filesystem
==2x2TB Drives==
*Drive 1
** Partition 1: 500M /boot
** Partition 2: 500G PV
** Partition 3: 500G PV
** Partition 4: 500G PV
** Partition 5: 500G PV
* Drive 2
** Partition 1: 500G PV
** Partition 2: 500G PV
** Partition 3: 500G PV
** Partition 4: 500G PV
'''Initial Linux LVM LV layout:'''
* 100G / ext4
* 1T /home ext4
= Software to be installed =
* Build tools required for Mozilla build ([http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites Win]/[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Linux_Build_Prerequisites Linux]/[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mac_OS_X_Build_Prerequisites Mac]). NOTE: use VS.NET Pro on Win32 vs. Express
* [http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html PuTTY] on WinXP/Vista
* Current version of FF2 FF and TB === Mac installed software ===* Xcode3.0* fink - (http://www.finkproject.org/download/srcdist.php)** download tarball, untar and ./boostrap (prees enter all the time to choose default)** . /sw/bin/pathsetup.sh** fink selfupdate-cvs** fink install orbit orbit-dev ** sudo apt-get glib = Computer setup === Windows setup ==# I used [http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php CPUID] to discover the motherboard # Install ethernet drivers (Installed PRO2KXP.exe -- Ver:12.4 -- Date:2/24/2008 -- Size:11414 KB)# http://www.windowsupdate.com until you get all updates = Network setup = * Gateway * Netmask * DNS 1 * DNS2 = Security = * Disable remote root/admin login on all operating systems. = Accounts = * Please create an account for yourself and use it for all development work on these machines.
= Resources =