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SPO600 Servers

20 bytes added, 14:33, 20 January 2015
Sudo Access
For example, to install the software packaged <code>ncurses-devel</code>, execute: <code>sudo dnf install ncurses-devel</code> or <code>sudo yum install ncurses-devel</code>
{{Admon/caution|Danger! Use Superuser privilege at your Own Risk.|Note that the use of the superuser account via <code>sudo</code> removes almost all restrictions on what you can do. It is easily possible for you to completely destroy the operating system! Take your time, double-check your commands, and if in doubt, ask. Be aware that your actions may affect other users and vice-versa.}}
{{Admon/caution|Do Not Build or Install Software Except Via RPM (dnf/yum)|Do not build or install software as the root user (using <code>sudo</code>) except in RPM form using the <code>dnf</code> or <code>yum</code> commands. Building or installing software as root may overwrite system files and be very difficult to track down. It is OK to install software into your own directories (e.g., <code>~/bin</code> or <code>~/local</code>).}}

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