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DPS909 and OSD600 Fall 2014 Notes

5,258 bytes added, 12:29, 24 November 2014
Week 12, 13, 14
* Start reading more deeply about JS
== Week 8 , 9 ==
* [ Media coverage of Mobile Webmaker App preview at MozFest]
* More on JavaScript
** [ The JavaScript Garden]
*** [ Anonymous Functions (lambdas)]
*** [ Self-executing anonymous functions]
*** [ Functional programming with Arrays], [ example]
*** [ Constructor functions and the prototype], [ another example]
*** [ Extending native prototypes]
*** [ Dynamic property access]
** [ Google's Open Location Code] repo
* Let's fix a JS bug in Brackets
** - UI fix
** - Crash fix
* Open Source across Companies
** [ Open Source, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle]
** [ Open Source in 10.10]
* [[FSOSS 2014 Report]] due this '''Friday, Oct 31'''
* Start work on your '''0.3 release'''.
* Read [ Brackets Issue 9529] for Wednesday
== Week 10 ==
* JavaScript outside the browser
* [ node.js]
** [ API docs]
** [ source code]
** [ require, module.exports]
** node's callback pattern: <code>function(err, result) {...}</code>
** [ npm]
** [ package.json]
* Microsoft Open Sources .NET
** [ Microsoft's press release]
** [ Microsoft's employee reaction]
** [ Mono lead developer's reaction]
** Source Code (on Github no less):
* Node.js and Joyent
** [ Forking node?]
** [ Advisory Board]
** [ Non-volunteer agreement]
* [] and Community Triage
* Work on release 0.3, due November 14th.
== Week 11 ==
* Designing for Participation
** Question: "How to build a software production pipeline that can strategically benefit from a vibrant open source community?"
** Tension between growing capacity vs increasing cost
** Schedule driven, client-requirements driven, and open involvement
** The role of partnerships, shared ownership, distributed control and responsibility
* [ Rules for Communicating at Github]
* Start scoping your 0.4 release. Pick your bugs, follow up on review comments from previous bugs, etc.
* Pay attention to your blogging. Remember, a blog post per week is what is expected. It can be about any of your work.
== Week 12, 13, 14 ==
* [ Initial Git Commit]
* The :9090 problem: '''"Convert :9090 into http://localhost:9090 automatically"'''
** Let's try and change web browsers to do this
** Browser vendors probably won't take the change, but it's a great way to learn
** Platform Change vs. Extensions
** A clue
* Open Source Browsers
** Firefox
*** [ Build Instructions]
*** [ Writing Extensions]
*** [ Source Code Browser (DXR)]
** Chromium/Chrome
*** [ Source Code]
*** [ Dev Docs]
*** [ Building on Windows with VS]
*** [ Getting the Code]
*** [ Building Chrome Extensions]
** WebKit
*** [ Main project page]
*** [ Getting the code]
*** [ Building the code]
** [ Konqueror]
*** [ Fixing bugs]
*** [ Source Code]
** [ Lynx]
*** [ Main site]
*** [ URL Support in Lynx]
* Pick a browser to work on
* Get the code, setup a dev environment, build it
* Write a blog post about the experience, with a screenshot of the build running