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Revision as of 14:12, 28 October 2014


This section will help with a manual setup of Websphere 7 on a Centos installation. This should be useful for all projects that package the different pieces of Websphere and scripts that automate the configuration of Websphere.


This section should contain a list of all procedures and software that are required before the Websphere installation.


Install JDK packages, openJDK should work.

yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk

Download Websphere Fix Packs

Go to the following link and download Websphere 7 Fix Packs. If the link below does not work, use the search function on the IBM webpage and search for "websphere fix packs". Websphere Fix Packs

Websphere Directory Structure

All Websphere files should be kept within the directory "/opt/IBM/Websphere/". Copy all files into the Downloads directory, the other directories will be used for installing the specific software. Take a moment to create the following directories for installation, downloads, etc.


Create Websphere User

Websphere should be run by a single non-root user. All Websphere files should be owned by this user.

username: wasadmin

Install Websphere Application Server

  1. Download the Websphere Application Server Network Deployment file and supplicant file to the directory "/opt/IBM/Websphere/Downloads/".
  2. Extract the compressed files