Updated IRC nickname
Group work: 50% (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: 50% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Proposed Final Application ==
** We will build a cash register interface program for a small green grocer. *** The user will select products from a limited list of Checkboxes (so far there are about 16).
*** The selection can be saved in a binary file and retrieved.
*** Files will be indexed by an order number.
*** A specific order record can be retrieved from the file and displayed to the user.
** Features to be voted on / possibly incorporated
* repo id: svn://zenit.senecac.on.ca/oop344_121rep02
=== Trunk Status ===
* committed
*: id: [mailto:erodney@learn.senecac.on.ca erodney]
* committed by
*: id: [mailto:adsantokhi@learn.senecac.on.ca adsantokhi]
*: name: Anil Santokhi
*: irc nick: Acestaroxadsantokhi
*: Time: 6:06PM Friday, Feb 17th, 2012
* committed by
*: id: [mailto:adsantokhi@learn.senecac.on.ca adsantokhi]
*: name: Anil Santokhi
*: irc nick: Acestaroxadsantokhi
*: Time: 10:07PM Thursday March 22, 2012
*: id: [mailto:adsantokhi@learn.senecac.on.ca adsantokhi]
*: name: Anil Santokhi
*: irc nick: Acestaroxadsantokhi
*: Time: 7:47PM Monday March 26, 2012
*: CText updated. Currently does not draw() correctly and edit() has not been tested. Probably does not work.
*: id: [mailto:erodney@learn.senecac.on.ca erodney]
*: name: Everard Rodney
*: irc nick: erodneyastrop
*: Time: 9:28PM Monday March 26, 2012
*: CMenuItem written and compiles. Empty default constructor included in CLabel for it to work
*: name: James Greenhalgh
*: irc nick: JamesGreen
*: Time: 96:21PM 02PM Mon Apr 9, 2012
*: Added most current CMenu, CCheckList and my Application/Tester
* committed by
*: id: [mailto:erodney@learn.senecac.on.ca erodney]
*: name: Everard Rodney
*: irc nick: astrop
*: Time: 9:47PM Friday Apr 13, 2012
*: Changes to CMenuItem, CCheckMark and CButton
* committed by
*: id: [mailto:adsantokhi@learn.senecac.on.ca adsantokhi]
*: name: Anil Santokhi
*: irc nick: adsantokhi
*: Time: 5:51PM Sunday April 15, 2012
*: CText updated. edit() logic is complete, all other functions complete, save for the helper function.
== Team Members ==
|- |[[User:adsantokhi | Anil]]||Santokhi|||A||[mailto:adsantokhi@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 adsantokhi]||[[Special:Contributions/adsantokhi | adsantokhi]]||Acestaroxadsantokhi||[http://anilsantokhi.wordpress.com/ Anil Santokhi's Blog]
|[[User:btulchinsky | Barry]]||Tulchinsky|||B||[mailto:btulchinsky@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 btulchinsky]||[[Special:Contributions/btulchinsky| btulchinsky]]||btulchinsky||[http://btulchinsky.wordpress.com Barry Tulchinsky's Blog]
|[[User:erodney|Everard]]||Rodney|||B||[mailto:erodney@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 erodney]||[[Special:Contributions/erodney|erodney]]||astrop||[http://everardrodney.wordpress.com/ Everard's Blog]
|[[User:jgreenhalgh| James]]||Greenhalgh|||B||[mailto:jgreenhalgh@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 jgreenhalgh ]||[[Special:Contributions/jgreenhalgh|jgreenhalgh]]||JamesGreen||[http://jamiegreenhalgh.wordpress.com/ James Greenhalgh's Blog]
== tasks ==
*** Status of Final Classes (as of Apr 13, 2012)
*** CText - edit() nearly complete, all other methods fully tested and function as required.
*** Status of Final Classes (as of Apr 9, 2012)
** Status of R.03 as of Mar 26th
*** CButton, CLineEdit, CValEdit - written and compiles
*** CText - constructors done, edit and draw in progress
* '''R0.3 Meeting - Thurs Mar 15, 8:00pm ''' - See above note on specific agenda items. Assigned Work, date for debugging to begin
=== topic, date ===
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]