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Winter 2014 SPO600 Software List

41,805 bytes removed, 06:00, 12 March 2014
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[[Category:Winter 2014 SPO600]]
<TABLE CELLSPACING="0" COLS="9" BORDER="1"> <TR><TD><B>Claimed by...</B></TD> <TD HEIGHT="18" ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#00FFFF"><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">Pkg name</FONT></B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#FFFF00"><B>SPO600 Scope</B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" ><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">LEG Comments</FONT></B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" ><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">Fedora name</FONT></B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><B>Ubuntu version</B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" SDNUM="1033;0;@"><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">Fedora Version</FONT></B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" ><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">Source/Embedded</FONT></B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" ><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">Atomics/Embedded lib/Lowlevel/OtherOS/Perf/Symbol-Sections</FONT></B></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT" ><B><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">LEG Priority</FONT></B></TD> </TR> <TR><TD><!-- Put your name here to claim --></TD> <TD HEIGHT="17" ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#00FFFF">h5py</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#FFFF00" SDVAL="-2" SDNUM="1033;">-2</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">Hierarchical Data Format library interface for python; trivial x86 asm for performance in embedded lzf compression code; no direct porting needed</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">2.0.1-2</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">E</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">P</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" SDVAL="20" SDNUM="1033;">20</TD> </TR> <TR><TD><!-- Put your name here to claim --></TD> <TD HEIGHT="17" ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#00FFFF">busybox</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#FFFF00" SDVAL="-1" SDNUM="1033;">-1</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">trivial portable asm for atomics, atomics and byteswap in embedded e2fsprogs code</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">1.20.0-7ubuntu2</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">E</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">AE</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" SDVAL="30" SDNUM="1033;">30</TD> </TR> <TR><TD><!-- Put your name here to claim --></TD> <TD HEIGHT="17" ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#00FFFF">gccxml</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#FFFF00" SDVAL="-1" SDNUM="1033;">-1</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">looks like code copied from GCC, easy to update? Not used a huge amount AFAICS</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">0.9.0+cvs20120420-4ubuntu1</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">SE</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">L</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" SDVAL="25" SDNUM="1033;">25</TD> </TR> <TR><TD><!-- Put your name here to claim --></TD> <TD HEIGHT="17" ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#00FFFF">gmime</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#FFFF00" SDVAL="-1" SDNUM="1033;">-1</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">Trivial x86 asm for pointless-looking optimisation; not a priority</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">2.6.10-1</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT"><BR></TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">E</TD> <TD ALIGN="LEFT">P</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" SDVAL="10" SDNUM="1033;">10</TD> </TR> <TR><TD><!-- Put your name here to claim --></TD> <TD HEIGHT="17" ALIGN="LEFT" BGCOLOR="#00FFFF">mapserver</TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#FFFF00" SDVAL="-1" SDNUM="1033;">-1</TD> <TD ALIGNThis table identifies potential projects for [[Winter 2014 SPO600 Participants]]. In this table, "LEG" refers to the [ Linaro Enterprise Group]; note that the comments here about priority reflect a LEG perspective, i.e., priority for datacentre server systems. The ''SPO600 Scope'' column identifies a value from -2 (very trivial) to +2 (very big). These are approximate guidelines only (and may in some cases be significantly off) - please examine the projects carefully before taking them on. Select two projects with a total scope sum of 0 to 1. Click on the sort arrow icon on any column to sort by that column. {|class="sortable" cellspacing="0" border="1" cellpadding="2"!'''Claimed by...'''!style="background: #00FFFF"|'''Pkg name'''!style="background: #FFFF00"|'''SPO600 Scope'''!'''LEG Comments'''!'''Fedora name'''!'''Ubuntu version'''!'''Fedora Version'''!'''Source/Embedded'''!|'''Atomics/Embedded lib/Lowlevel/OtherOS/Perf/Symbol-Sections'''!'''LEG Priority'''|-|<!-- Put your name here to claim -->|style="background: #00FFFF"|h5py|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|-2|Hierarchical Data Format library interface for python; trivial x86 asm for performance in embedded lzf compression code; no direct porting needed||2.0.1-2||E|P|20|-|Moshe T|style="background: #00FFFF"|busybox|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|-1|trivial portable asm for atomics, atomics and byteswap in embedded e2fsprogs code||1.20.0-7ubuntu2||E|AE|30|-|<!-- Put your name here to claim -->|style="background: #00FFFF"|gccxml|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|-1|looks like code copied from GCC, easy to update? Not used a huge amount AFAICS||0.9.0+cvs20120420-4ubuntu1||SE|L|25|-||style="background: #00FFFF"|gmime|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|-1|Trivial x86 asm for pointless-looking optimisation; not a priority||2.6.10-1||E|P|10|-|Matt Jang|style="background: #00FFFF"|mapserver|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|-1|MapServer framework for web-based internet map services; optional x86 asm for float rounding performance, unused-looking asm for lowlevel variable munging; not a priority||6.0.1-3.2|6.0.3|E|P|20|-|Hesam Chobanlou|style="background: #00FFFF"|amtu|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|Abstract Machine Test Utility; lowlevel code for testing behaviour on various CPUs; would need porting for A32/A64, low priority|||1.0.8|E|L|20|-|<!-- Put your name here to claim -->|style="background: #00FFFF"|ardour|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|Audio recording; x86 asm for performance; low priority||2.8.14-2|2.8.14|SE|P|10|-|<!-- Put your name here to claim -->|style="background: #00FFFF"|asterisk|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|telephony system; GSM codec uses x86 for performance with C fallback|||11.0.1|SE|P|20|-|<!-- Put your name here to claim -->|style="background: #00FFFF"|avidemux|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|video editor / transcoder; x86/ppc asm for performance; not a LEG priority, some A32?, no A64||2.5.4-0ubuntu13||SE|P|20|-|<!-- Put your name here to claim -->oatley|style="background: #00FFFF"|blender|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|3D modeller/renderer software; some asm in embedded libs,small amounts internally for things like cpuid; low priority||2.63a-1ubuntu4|2.64a|E|L|20|-|Michael Stiver-Balla|style="background: #00FFFF"|chicken|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|Scheme compiler; asm helper routines for x86 and ppc; not sure if we need similar for A32/A64||4.7.0-1||S|L|20|-|PV|style="background: #00FFFF"|gegl|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|Graphics lib, x86 assembly for acceleration; low priority||0.2.0-2ubuntu1|0.2.0|E|P|20|-|Yoav Gurevich|style="background: #00FFFF"|gnash|style="background: #FFFF00; text-align: right"|0|Flash player re-implementation; trivial x86 asm in embedded jemalloc code; not a priority||0.8.11~git20120629-1ubuntu1|0.8.10|E|L|10|- 