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OOP344 Student Resources

2,535 bytes added, 15:53, 7 March 2014
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{{OOP344 Index Extended | 2011120141}}
===Quick Link===
*[[Tortoise in 5]] -*[[Linked List]]
<br />
== Webpages (Useful links)==
* <-- the degree version of oop344. Good for an indepth look at the material. Includes Workshops and Walkthroughs* <-- Notes only up to Oct 28, 2009. Includes past tests*svn:// <-- Up to Date Notes shown in all lectures*[ Changing Tab Key Behaviour in Certain IDEs]*[ Project Euler] - great site to test your skills and keep them sharp! <-- Notes only up to Oct 28, 2009. Includes past tests== GIT ==[[GIT for OOP344 Projects]]
svn:// <-- Up to Date Notes shown in all lectures
== SVN ==<p>[[Development and submission steps using SVN - OOP344 20111]] * This is a quick way to get everyone familiar with SVN in a brain friendly manner without by far the need to sift through pages of unnecessary documentation.</p><p>[ What is SVN?] Subversion or SVN is a control system where it allows you to properly organize and manage files and directories and the changes to them over time. SVN allows you to recover older versions of your databest tutorial for Github, or examine actually the history of how your data changed. In this regard, many people think of a version control system as a sort of “time machine”. []</p>  === SVN Clients ===* [[Tortoise in 5]] - This page is dedicated to those poor souls that have to use SVN but don't have time to read through chapter upon chapter about it just to be able to participate in assignment 2.* [[RabbitVCS]] - RabbitVCS is a Linux alternative to TortoiseSVN. This page will help describe how to install and use RabbitVCS.* [ RapidSVN] - Another SVN client for Linux - a very simple and straight-forward SVN client.* [ svnX] - A very competent SVN client for Mac OS X. === SVN Hosts ===<p>The best way to learn SVN is to experiment tutorial ever! Check it, we programmers, love to exploreout. Though Seneca already provides us SVN hosting, there are other free SVN hosting out there that you can use and experiment around (since you might not want to mess around with your team's account if you don't know what you're doing). One of the best SVN hosts out there is probably [ Google Code Hosting] because it has many cool features such as web presentation of [ syntax highlighted sources], [ diff], [ wiki] and more (which you can do also within a client program) of sources and it does show what SVNs are truly for: ease.</p><p>Here's a few SVN hosts:</p>* Google Code Hosting - create account [ here]* [ SourceForge]* [ Bounty Source]* And [ more], ranging from free to paid hosting.NOTE: Seneca already provides us SVN hosting (SVN login and pass), all of our work academic work should be all there.Mohammed Al Zubair
== Creating Projects in Visual Studio for Console Applications ==
In "Solution Explorer", add new item to Header Files or Source Files.
== The Basics of IRC ==
=== The Basics of IRC ===IRC is also known as Internet Relay Chat. The principal of it is essentially to provide accessible chat rooms for people over the internet over multiple operating systems. To be able to connect and interact with IRC, one must first have an IRC client of some sort.
To be able to connect and interact with ===IRC, one must first have an IRC client of some sort. Clients===There is a wide variety of different IRC clients on all platforms. Here is a list of just a few:
* [ Chatzilla] (Add-on for Firefox)
* [ mIRC] (Windows)
* [ irssi] (Windows/MacOS/Linux)
* [ Freenode] (Windows/MacOS/Linux (Web Based IRC)
* [ HexChat] (Windows)
Once installed and running, you will have such options as connecting to various servers. We're particularly interested in the one which the seneca chatroom is located.
If you are using linux, the best IRC client I can find is xchat, but identiy and join every time you log in became a hassle, here is the fix:
#. Click on the xchat option on the menu bar > Server list (ctrl+s)#. Type in your nickname, registered ID and information on freenode#. In Networks, scroll down and select freenode#. On the right side, click on "edit"#. Under connetingconnecting, check the option "auto connect to this network at startup"#. Type your password in "Nicksev Nickserv password"#. close the window and click "connect"
=== Some IRC short cuts for xchat ===
If you use xchat these short cuts will save you from having to type a lot.
# /ns identify "password" = /msg nickserv identify "password"
# /id "password" = /msg nickserv identify "password"
# /j "channel name" = /join "channel name"
# /cs = /msg chanserv
=== Hiding or Cloaking your IP Address ===
One of the ways is to simply send an email to with a request to hide your IP Address. Make sure to provide your registered nickname on the freenode IRC server. Your will get a reply in couple of days, so be patient.
Another way, is to join #freenode chat and try to contact a chat moderator there.
=== Useful Links ===
* [ Freenode FAQ]
== Online C++ tutorials ==
[ FAQs (Really great site)]<br />
[ C++ tutorial site1]<br />
[ C++ tutorial site2]<br />
[ C++ tutorial site3]<br />
[ C/C++ tutorial site]<br />
*[ C++ tutorial site1]<br/>[http:cclass/int/ C++ tutorial site2html Variadic Function help]<br/>*[ Czone/cpp C++ tutorial siteTutorials and Exercises]
== Linked List Explained ==
* [[q2 A binary file question]] - [[q2sol the solution]]
* [[walk1 a walkthrough with templates]] - [[walk1sol the solution]]
== C++ Casts Explained By Fardad 14/04/2011 ==
For those that did not attend Thursday's class the week before the exam, Fardad explained how to use C++ casting<br />
that can also be found in OOP244's notes by C++ Wizard Chris Szalwinski.<br />
[ Chris Szalwinski's OOP244 Notes
* #define ''' F11_KEY''' 280
* #define ''' F12_KEY''' 281
== Obsolete Stuff ==
=== SVN ===
<p>[[Development and submission steps using SVN - OOP344 20121]] This is a quick way to get everyone familiar with SVN in a brain friendly manner without the need to sift through pages of unnecessary documentation.</p>
[ What is SVN?] Subversion or SVN is a control system where it allows you to properly organize and manage files and directories and the changes to them over time. SVN allows you to recover older versions of your data, or examine the history of how your data changed. In this regard, many people think of a version control system as a sort of “time machine”. []
=== SVN Clients ===
* [[Tortoise in 5]] - This page is dedicated to those poor souls that have to use SVN but don't have time to read through chapter upon chapter about it just to be able to participate in assignment 2.
* [[RabbitVCS]] - RabbitVCS is a Linux alternative to TortoiseSVN. This page will help describe how to install and use RabbitVCS.
* [ RapidSVN] - Another SVN client for Linux - a very simple and straight-forward SVN client.
* [ svnX] - A very competent SVN client for Mac OS X.
=== SVN Hosts ===
<p>The best way to learn SVN is to experiment it, we programmers, love to explore. Though Seneca already provides us SVN hosting, there are other free SVN hosting out there that you can use and experiment around (since you might not want to mess around with your team's account if you don't know what you're doing). One of the best SVN hosts out there is probably [ Google Code Hosting] because it has many cool features such as web presentation of [ syntax highlighted sources], [ diff], [ wiki] and more (which you can do also within a client program) of sources and it does show what SVNs are truly for: ease.</p>
<p>Here's a few SVN hosts:</p>
* Google Code Hosting - create account [ here]
* [ SourceForge]
* [ Bounty Source]
* And [ more], ranging from free to paid hosting.
NOTE: Seneca already provides us SVN hosting (SVN login and pass), all of our work academic work should be all there.
=== Doing a task in SVN ===
Below is a quick guide to follow to complete a task under SVN.
1. Create subdirectories in "branches" under your Seneca email ID. This is your ROOT.
|__ Branches
|__ SenecaEmailID
2. Create a subdirectory under your brach under the task name. (ex. BkSpcBug)
|__ Branches
|__ SenecaEmailID
|____ BkSpcBug
3. Update your branch to set the files in (BkSpcBug)
|__ Branches
|__ SenecaEmailID
|____ BkSpcBug
4. Start working on (BkSpcBug).
5. When complete (Bug Fixed).
5.1 Set the trunk status on the team page to: COMITTING by your Seneca ID.
5.2 Merge the branch (BkSpcBug) to Trunk.
5.2.1 Edit possible conflicts.
5.2.2 Set conflicts to resolved.
5.3. Recompile the trunk.
5.4 Set the trunk status on the team page to: COMITTED by your Seneca ID.