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No change in size, 17:19, 21 February 2014
Creating a Public/Private Key Pair
#** <code>~/.ssh/id_rsa</code> - your private key
#** <code>~/.ssh/</code> - your public key
{{Admon/tip|Key Type and Length|ssh-keygen can generate two types of keys: rsa and dsa. Either type serves the same purpose, can and can be generated with varying key lengths. The longer the key, the more difficult it is to break the key by guessing it (trying successive values until the right key is found) - each bit added to the key doubles the number of possible key values. Key lengths of 1024-4096 bits are considered reasonably secure; as computers become faster, key lengths should be increased.}}
=== Sending the Public Key to a Remote System Administrator ===