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Research Findings - PostgreSQLAdapter

884 bytes added, 22:46, 26 January 2014
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== Blogs of Grace Batumbya ==
* PostgreSQL Windows x64: Enabling UUID-OSSP.sql []
* PostgreSQL - Compare bytea data to a Large Object on the server side []
== Work of Grace Batumbya and Anastasia Semionova ==
* The timeout feature is implemented by the MySQL JDBC driver, but NOT by PostgreSQL.* CLOB is supported by MySQL, but NOT by PostgreSQL.** problem solved with feedback from NexJ* The records are ordered by MySQL, but NOT by PostgreSQL.** problem solved with feedback from NexJ* [[Default orderBy research 2/17/2011]](NULL values are organized differently by PostgreSQL.)
* [[Run_Junit_Tests_For_Non_Default_SQL_Adapter | Unit Testing for non Default SQL Adapter]]
* [[PostgreSQL Adapter Project - Resources]]
* Concept of Adapter []
* FOSSLC [ PostgreSQL]