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My Applied Research Log

153 bytes added, 20:58, 26 January 2014
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== [[Common Problems and Solutions]] ==
== January - March 2012 ==
* continuous construction of the NEXJNexJ-CDOT knowledge base
* contributions to the SQLite open source community (NexJ SQLite Adapter)
* contributions to the PostgreSQL open source community (NexJ PostgreSQL Adapter)
*February - March
** identification of potential research problems*** Theories, tools and research methods in program comprehension: past, present and future Web/Ex meeting with NexJ (Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria, 2008) [http:3/13/]**** [[Notes on Program Comprehension |notes]]2012)
** identification of '''research problems being solved'''
*** ICU ('''International Components Unicode''') support by SQLite []*** NexJ extension of SQLite to supprot support full text search []**** the '''rank''' function for the Windows and Linux platforms
*** the full text search problem
**** Android Quick Tip: Using SQLite FTS Tables (September 30, 2011) []
**** Is Full Text search the answer? (stackoverflow 2009) []
** identification of '''inter-related issues''' (code repository)
*** 79, 80(open)**** create top-lovel makefile
*** 75 (open), 77
**** the NexJ Framework expects SQLite to support UNICODE collations
*** 84, 85 (open)
**** add build steps (the Linux command line compile options, Windows) to the project makefile under the compile label
*** 82, 83
**** append extensions to SQLite Library (sqlite.c): [[notes - 82, 83 |notes]]
*** 76
**** SQLiteDataSourceWrapper: logic to identify the current os and architecture for loading the appropriate extension
*** 78 (open)*** 65, 64, 61, 60, 59, 49 (resolved issues)
**** NexJ extension of SQLite to suppport the rank function in FTS (full text search)
*** 1