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==Running <code>AllTests.java</code>==How <code>test/nexj/core/persistence/sql/AllTests.java</code> works:: In all these test files, first codes that are executed are <code>setup()</code> and <code>lock()</code> in <code>SQLDataTest.java</code> to reset the schema 'test'.:These are methods, where tables are created for the first time, and methods in <code>SQLSchemaManager.java</code> are checked and an exception will be thrown if any problem with syntax.* 1- SQLWriterConnectionTest.java: Checks the connection* 2- SQLAdapterTest.java: Deals with data values in tables: Modifies some values in some tables or insert new values, then <code>SELECT</code> with particular statements and checks if the result is as what is expected.* 3- SQLSchemaManagerTest.java: Deals with syntax and how to change each syntax to match with each SQL database system's properties.: Makes sure those methods concerning creation or manipulation of structure of a table work properly.