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{{Admon/obsolete}} <big><big> Continous Continuous Integration Projectfor NexJ Express Code</big></big>{{NexJ_Express Index}}
==Version Control Tool==
* Basic Tutorial @ http://hginit.com/
* '''comparing popular version control tools''' [http://martinfowler.com/bliki/VersionControlTools.html]
# '''[http://mercurial.selenic.com/ [Mercurial]''' My notes on -> [[User:Minooz/RepoSyncProj/Mercurial nexj | Min Mercurial]]'''
==Continuous Integration System==
*'''Comparing Different CI Systems''' -> [http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.org/display/CC/CI+Feature+Matrix CI Feature Matrix]
#'''[http://hudson-ci.org/ [Hudson]''' My notes on -> [[User:Minooz/RepoSyncProj/Hudson nexj | Min Hudson]]#'''[http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/ Cruise Control]#''' My notes on -> [[User:Minooz/RepoSyncProj/CruiseControl -nexj | Min Cruise Control]]#'''[http://buildbot.net/trac Buildbot]#''' My notes on -> [[User:Minooz/RepoSyncProj/Buildbot -nexj | Min Buildbot]]'''
#'''[http://continuum.apache.org/ Apache Continuum]'''
*1- '''[http://ant.apache.org/manual/ [Ant]''' My notes on -> [[User:Minooz/RepoSyncProj/Ant nexj | Min Ant]]'''
:A new ant script is created e.g. ''buildHudson.xml'' that triggers the target(assign1.test) of main build file(build.xml) of the project. See below:
<source lang=java>
*2- '''Bash''' My notes on -> [[User:Minooz/RepoSyncProj/Bash -nexj| Min Bash]]'''