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<big><big> PostgreSQL Adapter for NexJ </big></big>
== Project Goal==
Develope an adapter to expose enable NexJ Express objects model to interact with PostgreSQL database
== Current Status==
* Walk through parts of code related to SQLadapter, SqlSchemaManger and setup scripts in NexJ Express code
* Going through NexJ MySQL database
* Learning about Differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL
==Project Phases==
=== Phase 1: Design Proposal Requirements ===* Get requirements from NexJ (Meeting on Thursday Sep 23rdFriday Nov 5th)* Incorporate Organize list of requirements from NexJ into Design of PostgreSQL adapter* Prepare and send proposal set the task list for review, make changes as by NexJ until approvedeach part needed to be done
===Phase 2: Coding ===
* '''List of Tasks'''# implementation of [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/Adapter | PostgreSQLAdapter.java ]]# implementation of [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/AdapterTest | PostgreSQLAdapterTest.java ]]# implementation of [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/SchemaManger | PostgreSQLSchemaManager.java ]]# Setup [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/Script | Scripts ]]# implementation of [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/Upgrade | main.upgrade ]]
== Resources ==