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<big><big> PostgreSQL Adapter for NexJ - Working Inside Schema 'test' </big></big>
==1- Initializing the SQL environment==
: After activating the connection, the database is locked.
== 2- DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE _ DDL ===== CREATING SCHEMA ===* List of Files needed to be modified ===*
:src- [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/SchemaManger | PostgreSQLSchemaManager.java ]] --- ([[SchemaBackup]]) // Extends SQLSchemaManager.java - class for reading, creating and upgrading the database schema
: test- [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/SchemaMangerTest | PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest.java]] // Extends SQLSchemaManagerTest.java
: Script - scripts are being processed through SQLDataTest.java
<source lang=java>
/* MySQL version of creating table script */
)engine=InnoDB character set = utf8
<source lang=java>
/* PostgreSQL version of creating table script */
:The implementation in '''''<code> crateTextTable() </code>''''' is removed for now (base class's version is being called).
:TODO To be checked if it's the case for PostgreSQL as well.
:The implementation in '''''<code> createIndex() </code>''''' is removed for now (base class's version is being called).
:TODO To be checked if it's the case for PostgreSQL as well.
:Note- If there was a complain for duplicate index name, a fully qualified name can be used. Just note that PostgreSQL doesn't like fully qualified name as <code>table.indexname</code> for indexes or triggers, instead a '_' can be used: <code>table_indexname</code>
:TODO To be checked if triggers are needed for PostgreSQL as well. It's not an abstract method in '''''SQLSchemaManager.java'''''.
: <code>'''''createTrigger()'''''</code> is added to '''''MySQLSchemaManager.java'''''
: [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/Upgrade | main.upgrade ]]
: test- [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/SchemaMangerTest | PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest.java]] // Extends SQLSchemaManagerTest.java
: Script - scripts are being processed through SQLDataTestpostgresql_drop.javasql * <u><code> DROP TABLE </code></u> * <u><code> INSERT INTO TABLE </code></u>
==3- DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE _ DML ==* List of Files needed to be modified[[sampleProj]]:src:: - [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/Adapter | PostgreSQLAdapter.java ]] // Extends SQLAdapter.java - SQL Persistence adapter, responsible for regular data queries (insert, select, delete): test:: - [[ PostgreSQL_Adapter-nexj/AdapterTest | PostgreSQLAdapterTest.java ]]] // Extends SQLAdapterTest.java
: Script - scripts are being processed through SQLDataTest.java
:: postgresql_insert.sql