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Revision as of 12:29, 17 January 2014

For SPO600, you will need access to a Linux system. It is strongly recommended that this be a Fedora 20 system; second choice would be a Ubuntu 13.10 system (in which case you will need to adapt course examples and instructions for Ubuntu).

This system may be set up:

  • On your laptop
  • As a virtual machine on your laptop
  • On a computer at your home, if you can set up SSH access
  • On a removable disk pack (note: this is not preferred, because you will not be able to use it during class)

(If none of these options are possible for you, please talk to your professor about available resources within CDOT).

You will be installing virtual machine/emulation/simulation software on this machine, so a fast/large system is desirable.

System requirements:

  • x86_64
  • Minimum 2GB RAM (Recommended: as much as possible!)
  • Minumum 100GB disk space