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{{Admon/caution|Draft Lab|This lab has NOT been released for regular distribution. When the lab is ready to be released, this caution banner will disappear.}}
= Setting Up, Using & Maintaining a DHCP Server =
* In this lab, you will learn how to setup, and run a DHCP server on your f16host fedora3 machine, and then test-out the DHCP server by booting setting up your other VMs to receive an IP addresses from the DHCP server.
== Objectives ==
* To obtain log information from DHCP server including lease address information.
* To lease the same IP address every-time from VM boot-up (instead of having DHCP server randomly assign IP address).
==Required Materials (Bring to All Labs)==
* '''Fedora 16 17 LIVE CD''' - You can burn this onto a CD-R in the Open Lab* '''Fedora 16 x_64 17 x86_64 Installation DVD''' - You can burn this onto a DVD-R in the Open Lab (or burn image onto a DVD+R if you are using the Freedom Toaster).* '''SATA Hard Disk''' (in removable disk tray)* '''USB Memory Stick''' (minimum 64M)* '''Lab Logbook (Lab5 Reference Sheet)''' (to make notes and observations).
* Completion and Instructor "Sign-off" of Lab 67: [[OPS235 Lab 7]]
{{Admon/note | Purpose of <code>dhcpd.leases</code> File | dhcpd records address leases in this file. If the service is restarted it reads in the file to know which addresses are currently leased and for how long.}}
<ol><li value="3">On the client fedora2 check the contents of the<code>/var/lib/dhclient</code> directory. The files in this directory is where the dhclient stores its record of leases.</li>
'''Answer the Investigation 6 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
=== Investigation 7: How can I lease the same address every time? ===
<ol><li value="3">Start your service and test the address assignment by releasing your current address on fedora2 and then requesting a new address. Use the following commands on fedora2:</li>
::: <code>dhclient -r ifdown eth1</code>::: <code>dhclient ifup eth1</code>
<ol><li value="4">Confirm that you received the fixed address you were supposed to.</li>
'''Answer the Investigation 7 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Completing the lab ==