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OPS235 Lab 5 - Fedora17

1,006 bytes added, 19:48, 3 January 2014
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[[Category:OPS235]] {{Admon/caution|DraftLab|This lab has NOT been released for regular distribution. When the lab is ready to be released, this caution banner will disappear.}} =OPS235 Lab 5 - Archiving Files, Compiling Software Packages from Source, Managing Services=
[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
* In this lab, you are going to help conserve disk space by learning how to compress and decompress files that are stored on your computer server. In addition, you will learn alternative methods of how to install programs (via git, and decompressing zipped tarball archives and then compiling source code).
* In addition, you will learn about how certain processes (services) work, and how the system administrator can manage these services (i.e. turn "on" and "off").
==Required Materials (Bring to All Labs)==
* '''Fedora 16 17 LIVE CD''' - You can burn this onto a CD-R in the Open Lab* '''Fedora 16 x_64 17 x86_64 Installation DVD''' - You can burn this onto a DVD-R in the Open Lab (or burn image onto a DVD+R if you are using the Freedom Toaster).* '''SATA Hard Disk''' (in removable disk tray)* '''USB Memory Stick''' (minimum 64M)* '''Lab Logbook (Lab5 Reference Sheet)''' (to make notes and observations).
|- valign="top"
*[ tar]*[ gzip]*[ gunzipzip]*[ make]*[ git]
*[ systemctl]
* [ archiving with tar, gzip, gunzip]
* [ Compiling Software from Source Code]
* [ Using git]
* [[init vs systemd]]
==Archiving Files / Compiling Software from Source Code==
{{Admon/note|Use fedora3|Perform these steps in the '''fedora3''' virtual machine.}}
#Boot up your '''fecora3fedora3''' VM.
#Change your working directory to <code>/usr/share/doc/sudo*</code>
#Use the tar (tape archiver) command to create an archive file named <code>/tmp/archive1.tar</code>
'''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
===Investigation 2: How do you restore files from an archive?===
#Repeat the previous command, leaving out the option "z". Does it work? Why?
#Compare the <code>README</code> file in this directory with the original file. Are they exactly the same?
'''Answer the Investigation 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
In order to build software from source code, you must have the appropriate software development tools (such as make and gcc) and libraries (such as GTK) installed. The required tools will vary depending on the computer languages used in the software being built.
#Boot up your '''fecora2fedora2''' VM.<!-- corrected a couple typos Eric D.--># Issue the following command to install a basic set of development tools and libraries:<br /><code>yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"</code>.
{{Admon/note|Installing Development Libraries|In the future, remember the above procedure whenever installing software from source. Sometimes, you need to install additional tools or libraries in order to compile a particular software package}}
===Investigation 4: Using git=== {{Admon/note|Use '''VM NAME'''|Perform these steps Answer the Investigation 3 observations / questions in the 'your lab log book.''NAME''' virtual machine.}} #Insert Lab investigation instructions here.
==Managing Run-Levels and System Services==
===Investigation 54: How do we Manage Runlevels?===
{{Admon/note|Use fedora2|Perform these steps in the '''fedora2''' virtual machine.}}
Runlevel The runlevel command is now deprecated in Fedora, and has been replaced by '''systemctl'''. The newer system called '''systemd''' is a Unixnewer method to help simplify controlling both runlevels (referred to as "targets" and system services (referred to as "services"). Refer to the tutorial [[init vs systemd]] for systemctl command usages and reference.<ol> <li>Issue the following Linux command: <ul> <li><code>systemctl list-units --type=target</code></li> </ul> </Linux term relating to li> <li>Note the target labelled graphical. Now trace the operating chain of links starting at /etc/systemd/system/ - what's it ultimately pointing to?</li> <li>Issue the following commands to switch the default mode of operation(also known as target, formerly runlevel): <ul> <li><code>rm /etc/systemd/system/</code></li> <li><code>ln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/</code></li> </ul> <li>Restart your fedora2 VM. What happens?</li> <li>Log into your regular user account. For example, if </li> <li>Issue the operating following Linux command: <ul> <li><code>startx</code></li> </ul> </li> <li>What happens?</li> <li>Log-off your graphical system operates in text. You should return to your shell prompt.</li> <li>Issue the following commands: <ul> <li><code>rm /etc/systemd/system/</code></li> <li><code>ln -based or s /lib/systemd/system/graphical mode, reboot, shutdown, .target /etc/systemd/system/</code></li> </ul> </li> <li>Reboot your fedora2 VM.What Happens?</li></ol>
{{Admon'''Answer the Investigation 4 observations /important| Security Advice | We have seen that maintaining unneeded packages can be a security risk due to the unnecessary increase questions in the complexity of your system. Similarly, it is also unnecessarily hazardous, and even more so, to leave unneeded services running. In this investigation, we will learn how to control services, and turn off those that we think are not necessarylab log book.}}'''
#Switch to your '''fedora2''' VM.#Issue the following Linux command to determine your runlevel:#*<code>runlevel</code><br /><br />The number '''5''' indicates that your fedora2 VM is currently in "runlevel 5" or "graphical mode with networking". {{Admon/note|The runlevel command is now depreciated|Although you can still use the '''runlevel''' command, it is considered obsolete (deprecated), and has been replaced by '''systemctl'''.<br /><br />The newer system called '''systemd''' is a newer method to help simplify controlling both runlevels (referred to as "targets" and system services (referred to as "services").}}       ===Investigation 65: How do we Manage System Services?===
{{Admon/note|Remain in your fedora2 VM|Perform these steps in the '''fedora2''' virtual machine.}}
We have seen that maintaining unneeded '''packages can be a security risk''' due to the unnecessary increase in the complexity of your system. Similarly, it is also unnecessarily hazardous, and even more so, to leave unneeded services running. In this investigation, we will learn how to '''control services, and turn off those services that we think are not necessary to help reduce security risks'''.}}
#x<ol>#x <li>Issue the following Linux command: <ul> <li><code>systemctl list-units --type=service</code></li> </ul> </li> <li>Note the services that are currently running.</li> <li>Refer to the tutorial ([[init vs systemd]] ) to learn how to use the systemctl command to stop the service named '''iptables'''</li> <li>Issue the systemctl command to verify that this service has stopped.</li> <li>If you reboot now - the iptables service will be turned back on. We don't want it on though, it causes students headaches. To turn it off permanently we need to disable the service. Refer to the tutorial ([[init vs systemd]] ) to learn how to use the systemctl command to disable the service named '''iptables'''</li> <li>Reboot and confirm that it's no longer running.</li></ol> '''Answer the Investigation 5 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
==Completing the Lab==
Arrange evidence for each of these items on your screen, then ask your instructor to check each item:
#[ Compressed files: ] <code>/tmp/fstestarchive1.tar.gz</code> filesystem counted with files copied to itand <code>/tmp/archive2.tgz</code>#[ ] <code>nled</code> application is installed#[ ] Correct services are disabledLab5 notes how to use systemctl commands#[ ] <code>/lab5</code> has an entry in <code>/etc/fstab</code>VMs backed-up
==Preparing for the Quizzes==
#What is the advantage of disabling services such as bluetooth?
#What is the difference between a .tgz file and a .tar.gz file? What do these stand for?
#How do you ensure that a filesystem What is mounted every time the system is started?#How is creating and using a filesystem in a file different from creating and using a filesystem in a block device (such as purpose of a partition)repository?
#What is source code?
#How do you build software from source code?
#Which is preferred: installing from an RPM file, or installing from source code? Why?
#How do you use <code>chkconfigsystemctl</code>?to:#The startup directory for each *list runlevel contains symbolic links. Where are the targets of the symbolic links#*list services#*stop a service#*start a service#*Why is it important to learn how to manage services?#When you use the menu option System>Administration>Services, what program *Why is runit important to stop certain services
{{Admon/important | Backup your work |Backup your disk images for fedora2 and fedora3 Virtual Machines.}}