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Avahi Configuration for Pidora

1,784 bytes added, 13:40, 2 January 2014
Project News
I will also probably have to install some form of Avahi on a PC at home to test operation.
[ Information on MDNS service types]
== Project Plan ==
<!-- Note: Each student must have unique goals. These goals may be ''related'' to other students' work, but must be ''distinct'' and ''attainable'' regardless of the state of the other students' work. For example, under the umbrella of one project title, one student may work on packaging a piece of software and another may work on documentation, or one may work on solving one bug and another on solving another bug, but two students must not work on the same bug or depend on the other students' work in order to be able to complete their own project. -->
* 0.1
• Avahi 0.6.31 working and packaged
Automatic Scripts, commands, and files needed for auto configuration working or near completedcreated/collected • Creation of raspberry-pi-avahi-auto-config package in process 
* 0.2
• Automatic configuration completed
Avahi 0.6.31 Automatic configuration packaged
• Successful build on ARMv6
* 0.3
• RPM package in Pidora repo/distribution
== Project News ==
<!-- This is where a permanent record of your releases and updates will go. In these you should discuss the status or your work, your interactions with other members of the community (e.g., Seneca and Mozilla), problems you have encountered, etc. -->'''Jan 2nd, 2014''' • [ This project has changed into the avahi-advertise project and will be updated on my blog from now on.] '''Dec 9th, 2013''' • [ Fixed bugs in avahi-advertise] • [ Packaged avahi-advertise for 0.3 release] '''Dec 2nd, 2013''' • yshin8 and I are in discussion on Avahi in Pidora 19 kickstart file • Specfile work halted  • Working on avahi-config (avahi-advertise?) command which will be install with my package and change txt records or create new service files • [ 0.2 Release] '''Nov 28th 2013''' • Package spec file started • yshin8 contacted about changing how avahi service is installed in kickstart file '''Nov 22nd 2013''' • [ 0.1 Released] '''Nov 20th 2013''' • Finished the majority of testing and scripts/commands required for 0.1 • Preparing 0.1 presentation  • Will demonstrate avahi and nss-mdns resolution  • Will demonstrate avahi-tools and how it can automatically ssh  • Will explain the function of my config package (install nss-mdns, avahi-tools, iptables, TXT records) '''Nov 16th, 2013''' • Changed goals due to Avahi 0.6.31 already being repackaged in the Pidora 19 Alpha. • [ Posted plans for configuration package] 
'''Nov 7th, 2013'''