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Talk:OPS235 Lab 4 - Fedora17

374 bytes removed, 03:27, 30 December 2013
= State when starting Lab 4 =
20% of disk space unallocated (min 15G)
= Recommendations for the revised Lab 4 =
* Next, the will add a second virtual disk to a VM and migrate /home to its own filesystem.
* On the real system (disk pack), they will add a partition as a PV and grow the root filesystem (minimal risk).
* <strike>They will then migrate a VM from its original virtual disk to a new, slightly larger virtual disk.</strike> - Dropped because (a) it will take too long (close to an hour because the source and target are on the same physical drive) and (b) setting up grub on virtio drives is complex.
{{Admon/note|Recovering VMs|If the students encounter problems in Investigations 1-3 or 5, they can quickly restore their VM disk images from the backups created in Lab 3.}}
** Add that partition as a PV into the existing VG
** Grow the root filesystem to fill the available space (this will provide sufficient space for Investigation 5)
=== Investigation 5: How can I migrate data off a failing disk or to a larger disk? ===
* Migrate fedora3 from one virtual disk to another:
** Add a 12G virtual disk to fedora3
** Partition that second disk in a manner similar to the first disk.
** Copy the /dev/vda1 contents to /dev/vdb1.
** Add the remaining space on /dev/vdb to the existing VG.
** Migrate the data off the first disk onto the second.
** Remove the first disk from the volume group.
** Install grub on the second disk.
** Shut down the VM.
** Remove the first virtual disk from the VM.
** Start up the VM from the new virtual disk.
== Package Management ==