→Participant and Project Table
| 1||[[User:skullhat|Taylor Barras]] || tsbarras|| CTYC Student ||[[Avahi Configuration for Pidora]]|| If anyone needs documentation done, I would be happy to assist. I am fairly confident in my English and have written documentation before. || ||CT||
| 2||[[User:Phuoc Phan|Phuoc Phan]] || pphan|| CTYC Student ||OMXPlayer Packing[[Packaging WeatherMan]]||Write Updated Boot Screen || ||CT||
| 3||[[User:Slava Basatski|Slava Basatski]] || Slava_|| CTY Student ||Update the raspberry pi-config package||Package Pi-compatible Software || ||CT||
| 9||[[User:Jason Michael Carman|Jason Carman]] || jmcarman (jmcarman) || CTY Student ||[[Kernel Configuration Files]] || Internationalization Support in Firstboot for Pidora 19 || ||CT||
| 10||[[User:atpenrose|Adam Penrose]] || atpenrose || CTY Student || [[Packaging Adafruit Raspberry Pi Python Library for Pidora]]|| || || CT||
| 11||[[User:Sung Hwan Kim|Sung Hwan Kim]] || professorplum|| CTY Student ||[[Bug Tracker for Pidora]] || Automate Pidora Kernel and Firmware Building|| While working on co-op terms, one of the titles you frequently notice is Project Manager. After reading the [http://trac.edgewall.org/ Trac Homepage] I thought having some background in project management software would be interesting and have future applications in my career. It is also written in python which has always given me interest, but never had time to persue. ||CT||Y
| 12||[[User:Dmitry Kozunov|Dmitry Kozunov]] || darthjawa|| CTY Student ||[[Wayland]]||Bug Tracker|| ||CT||
| 13||[[User:Michael Sousa|Michael Sousa]] || msousa3|| CTY Student ||Adafruit libraries/tools/etc [[Packaging SmartSim]] || || ||CT||
| 14||[[User:Charley Jiang|Charley Jiang]] || cjiang (cjiang13)|| CTY Student ||[[Compiler Flags on Pidora]] || Packaging Pi-compatible software || ||CT||
| 16||[[User:Shiela Spaleta|<s>Shiela Spaleta</s>]] || shiela|| CTYC Student |||| || || ||
|17||[[User:Ronald Hernandez|Ronald Hernandez]] || rhernandez2 (rhernandez2)|| CTY Student ||Automate Pidora Kernel and Firmware Building[[Automate_Pidora_Kernel]]|| Compiler Flags on Pidora || ||CT||
| 18||[[User:Yonghoon Shin|Yonghoon Shin]] || yshin8(yshin8)|| CTYC Student ||[[Clean Up the Pidora Kickstart File]] || Create a Fedpkg-compatible Package Repository for Pidora, Mirrorlist CGI Script || ||CT||
| 19||[[User:Rajdeep Singh|Rajdeep Singh]] || rajsingh (rsingh176)|| CTY Student ||Adafruit AdaFruit WebIDE Packaging || || ||CT||
| 20||[[User:Maria Yolanda Bustos-Roman|Maria Bustos-Roman]] || mbustos-roman(mbustos-roman)|| CTY Student ||[[Update the raspberry pi-config packagePackaging PiFM]]|| || || CT||
| 21||[[User:Keith Kajwiga Musinguzi|Keith Kajwiga Musinguzi]] || (kkmusinguzi)|| CTY Student ||Add a package for MonoOMXPlayer Packing|| Write Updated Boot Screen ||Please build a package for mono so that folks can utilize .NET applications on pidora. '''CT:''' Mono already exists in Fedora and Pidora!|| |CT||
| 22||[[User:Matthew Kam-Man Wong|Matthew Kam-Man Wong ]] || (mkmatthew)|| CTYC Student ||[[Mirrorlist CGI Script]]|| Automate Pidora Kernal and Firmware Building, Write an Updated Boot Screen, || ||CT||
| 24||[[User:Amadeus Matthew Konopko|Amadeus Matthew Konopko ]] || (amkonopko)|| CTYC Student ||[[Packaging Sonic Pi]] || || ||CT||
| 25||[[User:Jose Francisco Gonzales Giagonia|Jose Giagonia]]|| TheDib || CNS Student ||Avahi Configuration on Pidora [[Change raspberrypi-vc Package to Build from Source Project]] || Wayland, Mirrorlist CGI Script || ||CT| |||
| 26||[[User:Peyman Mahdi|Peyman Mahdi]]|| peymangg || CTY Student ||Clean Up the [[Reduce Boot Time of Pidora Kickstart File]] || Wayland, Mirrorlist CGI Script || ||CT||
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