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Mozilla-Seneca Projects QA

1,493 bytes added, 16:02, 15 February 2007
Please add your questions for Shaver below. We'll use this list as a starting point for his talk on Wednesday. Any serious questions from the community are also welcome:== Talk Details ==
* '''Date''': Sept 27, 2006* '''Speaker''': Mike Shaver, Mozilla Corporation* '''License''': [ CC-BY-SA] == Media == * [ Part I] (streaming)* [ Part II] (streaming)* [ MP3] (94 MB) == Talk Outline == Students were asked to post questions for Shaver. He used this list as his starting point: === General Interest ===
* How long have you been working on Mozilla?
* Mozilla is a not-for-profit corporation. Where does a corporation of this size look for funding? Would a for-profit Mozilla be viable? (lorne/halcyon1234)
* How do you evaluate Firefox as good quality? ([[User:Paul|Paul]]) * What kind of enhancements do you think people want, or asked to see, in future versions of Firefox and Thunderbird? === Project Specific ===
* A number of the projects have connections, for example, the d-bus and AppleScript project both need to allow data from outside to pass into the browser. Can you comment on this? Where to start in terms of the Mozilla side?
* Many of the projects have extension pieces (e.g., Joga, Bug Triage extension, etc.), and it seems like connecting these to the XULRunner project might be a good idea. Can you talk a bit about XULRunner with regard to these projects?
* There is a lot of talk about Airbag Breakpad as a potential replacement for Talkback. Can you talk about Airbag Breakpad and what you see as the possible outcomes for people working on this? Where does Firefox connect to Airbag Breakpad (i.e., where are the points of contact within Mozilla to an Airbag Breakpad server)?
* Would you be able to comment on the involvement of Apple in Firefox, more specifically the integration of the OS X Keychain?
* Often times while working on a Mozilla project there isn't a concrete direction and there isn't a real solution out there. The developer has to work at their own pace to ensure the success of the project. Do you mind sharing some of your earlier experiences while you were working on some of the complex Mozilla projects, specifically how you found your direction, solutions to problems, etc.? ([[User:Elichak|elichak]])
* How do you test Firefox by using Unit Testing currently? ([[User:Paul|Paul]]) * What features should be considered when integrating D-Bus into Firefox? Some ideas were to notify Firefox of the network connectivity status or hot-swappable changes. Can you overwhelm us with some more that you would like to see? * How does Firefox currently communicate with the Linux system and applications? Specifically, what technologies are currently used in Firefox (ex. DCOP, CORBA) to do this communication in the Linux environment, and is there a framework that Mozilla has created that these and emerging technologies (D-Bus) should use? * "The D-Bus API isn't finished yet, and the design is by no means set in stone." When D-Bus 1.0 is offically deployed will Firefox require D-Bus as a dependency in future releases?
* How do you evaluate Firefox as good qualityexpect D-Bus effecting the current technologies used for interoperability considering there is a port for Windows ([ winDBus])?
=== Open Source Development Best Practices/Skills ===
* It's clear that one of the main advantages of open source development is being able to use/consult/model/etc. existing code. How does one do this practically? For example, with respect to the [[OS X Keychain integration]] project, knowing that this has been done in other projects, where does one begin and how?