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CIO 20133 Release 0.2 - OOP344

998 bytes added, 11:21, 18 October 2013
Tester Program
'''Under Construction'''{{OOP344 Index | 20133}} 
The code for this class is provided the repository of your team. You must understand and use it to develop your core classes in your repository.
CFrame also, before displaying itself on the screen, will save the area it is about to cover, so it can re-display them to hide itself.
CFrame is the base of all objects the classes in our user interface system.
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===CFrame Help/Questions Blogs===
===CFrame Blog Posts===
=To Do=
No coding is involved in this release.
# Create your teampage using [[Teamp Page Template - OOP344 20133|this template]].#: '''NOTE: Do not edit this page as your team page, just copy the content and create a new page by clicking on your team name'''# Select one of the team member's console.cpp and console.h#: That team member should branch and clone the repository, add console.cpp and console.h to the files in the repository, compile, run and test the execution. When done this team member should add her/his name, github id and the date and time of the completion (as a comment) to cframe.h and merge the branch back to the master repo and push the changes up to github.#All other team members must clone the repository and test the execution of CFrame:## Branch the master for your review with a propoer proper name.## Compile, run and test the execution.## Add a comment with your name, github id and date and time to the top of '''cframe.h''' header file. ## Merge the branch back into the master branch.## Push the changes to github. 
==Due Date==
TBAAll branches must be merged back to master by Sunday Oct 20th, 23:59 and master repository should be fully compiled and the execution tested. 
=Tester Program=
Test1Frame.cpp (is located in the your team's repository)== Tester Demo ==To make sure your tester is running correctly check the tester demo by logging to using putty and running the following: $ ~fardad.soleimanloo/t1

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