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BTP300A A2 Team 5 Workplan

828 bytes added, 11:11, 8 October 2013
no edit summary
* '''Team Leader: Jake Deacon''':* Co-ordinate Various members:* Create Created Base Files::* Distribute Functions among team to start coding:* '''Frame points for draw locations'''::* int void row(int);// sets the top row to the value received::* int colrow(int)const // returns the top row position relative to the parent frame, if any;0 if fullsreen::* int widthvoid col(int);// sets the left column to the value received::* int heightcol(int)const // returns the left column position relative to the parent frame, if any;0 if fullsreen
* Team Member: Adrian Sauvageot:*'''Frame location'''void height(int) // sets the height to the value received::* void setLineint height( ... );const // returns the current height::* void capturewidth(int);// sets the width to the value received::* int absRowwidth();const // returns the current width::* int absColvoid display(const char*);// displays data within the frame
'''* Team Member: Norbert CuriciacAdrian Sauvageot''':* ''' Edit data in frame'''void goMiddle(); // set cursor to [row/2, col/2] for center:* void setLine( char* str, char left, char fill, char right );:* void capture( );:* int absRow( ) const;:* int absCol( ) const;
::* void draw(MACRO); // Draws big frame
::* void hide(MACRO); // Disappear big Frame, show bg
::* void move(CDirection);//hides frame, changes position, draws frame
::* void move(iFrame); // HELPER moves until ESC
'''* Team Member: Taylor CousinsNorbert Curiciac''':* int edit(char* str, int maxStrLength, bool* insertMode, int* offset, int* cursor)  :* void draw(int = C_FULL_FRAME); // draws the frame :* void hide(CDirection = C_STATIONARY);:* void move(CDirection);//hides frame, changes position, draws frame:*void move(&iFrame); // HELPER moves until ESC '''Edit data in field * Team Member: Taylor Cousins''':*int edit( );:* void Framebordered(CFramebool); // Constructorcheck for visibility of border::* void displaybool bordered()const; // returns the visibility of the border::* int editvoid frame(...CFrame*);// sets the address of the parent to the address received::*CFrame* frame() const; // returns the address of the parent, if any